Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How Lucky Can You Get?

This guy's name is "Lucky" and the folks he lives with consider themselves lucky to have him nearby. I'd say he "answers to the name of Lucky", but that's not always true. Still, at a little short of twelve weeks, he's doing well, though his owners have missed more sleep than they wanted to. Lucky was born on August 25, 2007. He's a Tibetan Terrier, which is a bit of a misnomer since he isn't a terrier at all. The British named him a terrier because he was similar to other terriers they knew, weighing in around 30 pounds. Yesterday at the vet's clinic Lucky stood at 8 pounds, showing a gain of about 2.5 pounds in a space of two weeks or so. He likes to sleep and eat, though he's no couch potato, and can run faster than his owners care to. He is not afraid of toads, but at night he gives them a respectful distance. You'd like him. He'd like you.
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